Dear << Test First Name >>,Below is a summary of forthcoming events, research and other news of relevance to our members, including our own forthcoming AGM in May
ESRAD Annual General Meeting
The ESRAD 2022 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 27th May, 16.00 - 18.00 GMT.
We are keen for as many members to attend as possible, and will send a formal invite soon. Please save the date and time if you would like to attend
Conferences and Events
The ESRAD online summer symposium on adult development and coaching will be held on June 30th. Confirmed keynotes are Jennifer Garvey Berger and Tatiana Bachkirova. More information will be sent out in April.
Inner Development Goals.
Two Inner Development Goals events coming up:
The SSEA (Society for the Student of Emerging Adulthood) conference has been announced the next for June 2023
Research Publications SSEA (Society for the Student of Emerging Adulthood) conference has been announced the next for June 2023
Amundsen. D. Senior. Lecturer in Adult Development at The University of Waikato in New Zealand. A critical gerontological framing analysis of persistent ageism in NZ online news media: Don't call us “elderly”! (In the Journal of Aging Studies)
Ardelt, M., & Bruya, B. (2021). Three-dimensional wisdom and perceived stress among college students. Journal of Adult Development, 28(2), 93–105.
Ardelt, M., & Sharma, B. (2021). Linking wise organizations to wise leadership, job satisfaction, and well-being. Frontiers in Communication: Organizational Psychology, 6(235), 1-23.
Belolutskaya. A. K. Multidimensionality of thinking in the context of creativity studies.
Jordan, T. (2021). Inner Development Goals: Background, method and the IDG framework. Stockholm. Growth that Matters AB.
Myyry, L. (2022). Moral judgments and values. In: Lester R. Kurtz (Ed). Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict, vol 4. (3rd Ed; pp. 331-338). Elsevier, Academic Press.
Päivi Tynjälä, H Heikkinen, E Kallio, 2021/10/13. The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work, Sage
Integrating work and learning in higher education and VET: Theoretical point of view
Robinson, O. C. (2021). Conducting thematic analysis on brief texts: The structured tabular approach. Qualitative Psychology. Advance online publication.
Other News
Opening of the Jean Piaget Centre at the University of Geneva: The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Geneva, and the private foundation Archives Jean Piaget, have decided to create the Centre Jean Piaget, integrated into the Faculty. The CJP has been inaugurated on 2 March 2022 and information about its activities, development and possible collaborations will be made available through the following website:
The “Performing Arts as Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education” (ASCOPET) project is a collaboration established in September 2018 between Instant-Lab (EPFL) and the Institute of Psychology and Education, University of Neuchâtel (UNINE) in Switzerland. This project describes, analyzes, and evaluates the utilization of the performing arts in higher education. A video presentation of the project can be accessed via the following link:
We kindly encourage researchers and people interested in this field to contact us and to think about future collaborations (Ramiro Tau: [email protected]).
Center for Applied Dialectics (applied dialectics - Center for Applied Dialectics (
Roman Angerer, Transcendental Pluralism and Dialectics; Wed 16th Feb 2022; recording:, slides
Best wishes,
Dear << Test First Name >>,Below is a summary of forthcoming events, research and other news of relevance to our members, including our own forthcoming AGM in May
ESRAD Annual General Meeting
The ESRAD 2022 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 27th May, 16.00 - 18.00 GMT.
We are keen for as many members to attend as possible, and will send a formal invite soon. Please save the date and time if you would like to attend
Conferences and Events
The ESRAD online summer symposium on adult development and coaching will be held on June 30th. Confirmed keynotes are Jennifer Garvey Berger and Tatiana Bachkirova. More information will be sent out in April.
Inner Development Goals.
Two Inner Development Goals events coming up:
- March 31, 2022 - Growth That Matters Gathering
- April 29, The Inner Development Goals - 2022 Summit
The SSEA (Society for the Student of Emerging Adulthood) conference has been announced the next for June 2023
Research Publications SSEA (Society for the Student of Emerging Adulthood) conference has been announced the next for June 2023
Amundsen. D. Senior. Lecturer in Adult Development at The University of Waikato in New Zealand. A critical gerontological framing analysis of persistent ageism in NZ online news media: Don't call us “elderly”! (In the Journal of Aging Studies)
Ardelt, M., & Bruya, B. (2021). Three-dimensional wisdom and perceived stress among college students. Journal of Adult Development, 28(2), 93–105.
Ardelt, M., & Sharma, B. (2021). Linking wise organizations to wise leadership, job satisfaction, and well-being. Frontiers in Communication: Organizational Psychology, 6(235), 1-23.
Belolutskaya. A. K. Multidimensionality of thinking in the context of creativity studies.
Jordan, T. (2021). Inner Development Goals: Background, method and the IDG framework. Stockholm. Growth that Matters AB.
Myyry, L. (2022). Moral judgments and values. In: Lester R. Kurtz (Ed). Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict, vol 4. (3rd Ed; pp. 331-338). Elsevier, Academic Press.
Päivi Tynjälä, H Heikkinen, E Kallio, 2021/10/13. The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work, Sage
Integrating work and learning in higher education and VET: Theoretical point of view
Robinson, O. C. (2021). Conducting thematic analysis on brief texts: The structured tabular approach. Qualitative Psychology. Advance online publication.
Other News
Opening of the Jean Piaget Centre at the University of Geneva: The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Geneva, and the private foundation Archives Jean Piaget, have decided to create the Centre Jean Piaget, integrated into the Faculty. The CJP has been inaugurated on 2 March 2022 and information about its activities, development and possible collaborations will be made available through the following website:
The “Performing Arts as Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education” (ASCOPET) project is a collaboration established in September 2018 between Instant-Lab (EPFL) and the Institute of Psychology and Education, University of Neuchâtel (UNINE) in Switzerland. This project describes, analyzes, and evaluates the utilization of the performing arts in higher education. A video presentation of the project can be accessed via the following link:
We kindly encourage researchers and people interested in this field to contact us and to think about future collaborations (Ramiro Tau: [email protected]).
Center for Applied Dialectics (applied dialectics - Center for Applied Dialectics (
Roman Angerer, Transcendental Pluralism and Dialectics; Wed 16th Feb 2022; recording:, slides
Best wishes,